Why not read one of our gazettes to get a feel of what happens monthly at Wardside House

One of the attractions of Wardside House is that we lay on everything for you.

Wardside Gazette No. 35

August 2013 · Editor: Resident Margery Neill and Resident Andrew Hodge


to the


on the birth of their son

George Alexander Louis

on Monday 22 July 2013


He is to be known as Prince George of Cambridge


New Residents:

There were no new permanent residents last month but, for varying periods of respite we have welcomed Jessie McLennan from Pittenweem, Dr. Audrey Insch from Edinburgh, Effie Baird from Edinburgh, Margaret Lorimer from North Berwick, (all for their second visits), Bill & James Hendy from Edinburgh and we hope all will have enjoyed their stay and benefited from it. Jean Davidson, who joined us late in June, is staying on for an indefinite period.




Good wishes are extended to Catherine Stevens, Barbara Roger and Hazel Hill – all of whom celebrated birthdays last month and it is hoped they have many happy returns of the day.


The Craft Class:

As was reported last month our entry in the Muthill Scarecrow Competition –

Bill and Weed at Bondi Beach – gained the first prize which, surpisingly, turned out to be the grand sum of Forty Pounds and has been allocated to the Joy Fund. The members of the class are now making preparations for the forthcoming Great Big Blooming Tea Party.


The Quiz Night continues to be an enjoyable evening each Wednesday and everyone who is interested in joining the fun will be welcomed.


Flowers at front of House:

During the hot dry spell of weather, Cath Fox very kindly undertook the task of keeping the flowers well watered which was very much appreciated. They are certainly looking very healthy and full of colour. The Therapet Service: We had a visit last month by the Rev. Richard Tuckley with his dog. It is being recognized much more how some people miss their pets on going into care homes and the aim is to provide a therapeutic service for hospitals and care homes. The visit was much appreciated and apparently another visit is being arranged.


A Great Big Blooming Tea Party:

You may remember we had one last year in aid of the Marie Curie Cancer Fund. It is proposed to have another one but the precise date has not yet been fixed but will be announced shortly. All residents and their relatives / friends will be invited and for a donation of at least £1.50 a sumptuous tea will be served complete with the chance to win a prize in the Yellow Tea Pot Raffle.


The Make Your Wish Come True Tree:

Some of the wishes have already been met and the staff are working towards getting them all met in the near future.


Church Services:

The only intimation available at present is as follows:-

Sunday 1st September Church Service at 2-15 pm by Rev. W. Ross – Church of Scotland.


Our Japanese Tree, which is admired by all residents and visitors, has suffered badly in the recent hot weather and, rather sadly, it’s normally massive white bloom turning to pink in the autumn, seems most unlikely.


And lastly:

The school children had all been photographed, and the teacher was trying to persuade them to buy a copy of the group picture. “Just think how nice it will be to look at it when you are all grown up and say, ‘There’s Jennifer, she’s a lawyer’ or ‘There is Michael, he’s a doctor,’ A small voice at the back of the room rang out, ‘And there’s the teacher, she’s dead.’





Three residents – Dr Sloan, Jean Davidson, Andrew Hodge – and one member of staff – Linda Pryde all successfully forecast the name of the Royal Baby “George”. Their names were put into a hat and winner, drawn from the hat by Marjory, was Jean Davidson.

Wardside House, Muthill, Crieff, Perthshire PH5 2AS.Tele. No: 01764 681 275www.wardsidehouse.com

A place where everyone is cared about.