Why not read one of our gazettes to get a feel of what happens monthly at Wardside House

One of the attractions of Wardside House is that we lay on everything for you.

Wardside Gazette No. 39

December 2013 · Editor: Resident Margery Neill and Resident Andrew Hodge

New Residents:

Rather surprisingly and unusual, we had no new residents last month – not even for respite.



Birthday Wishes are sent to Pat Pettifer who celebrated a birthday last month and we wish her many happy returns of the day.



We were sorry and surprised to learn the death of Miss Alexa Taylor during last month and out thoughts and sympathy go out to her relations – especially to her sister who visited her faithfully.


Staff News:

A new Senior Carer, Cara Allan, will be starting on 2nd December and we will look forward to meeting her. Caroline Burns, after many years of service, has decided to retire as a Senior Carer but, as will be seen from her commendation on page 3, will continue with her association with Wardside House by assisting with laundry duties.


Cook’s Meetings on Wednesday mornings are still not so well attended – which, perhaps is a compliment to our Cooks. They are feeding us so well. Nevertheless it would nicer for residents to attend and show their appreciation.


Residents Meeting:

The minutes of this meeting, held on 6th November have been issued and all residents should have received a copy.


The Blythswood Shoe-box Appeal.

Once again six shoe boxes were filled to capacity and the members of the Craft Class express their thanks to everyone who contributed so willingly and generously.


Quiz Nights: Good attendances are being maintained but there is plenty of room and seats for more. “The more the merrier !”


Craft Class:

Under the tuition and guidance of Susie, there is no end to the interesting designs and articles that are produced at the Craft Class week after week but one of the simplest to make has a very interesting story behind it. Here it is – the imitation ‘Christmas Pudding’.

The Sunday before Advent (this year on 24th November) is known as Stir up Sunday when the family stir the Christmas pudding after retuning from church. It is stirred from east to west in honour of the three wise men going to visit Jesus and relates to the Book of Prayer 1539 which reads:-

“Stir up, O Lord, the wills of your faithful people; that they, plenteously bring forth the fruit of good works, may by you be plenteously rewarded; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.”

The pudding is made from 13 ingredients representing Christ and the Disciples and every family member adds a little trinket of their choice. When found at the meal, a coin represents wealth, a thimble – a lucky life, a coin – wealth, etc.


Church Services.

6th December at 11am, Service by Rev. A Barton Scottish Episcopal Church. No date has been intimated for the next service by Rev. Dr. Buwert, Church of Scotland but will be announced when known.


Events over the Christmas Period at Wardside House will be circulated soon.


Commendation to Caroline Burns.

Caroline Burns is the first and original employee of Wardside House. She started as we did back in1986.


She has been and is a most trusted and valued member at the centre of the Care team for the last 27 years.


It seems only yesterday that she marched down the drive demanding that we give her a job in the new Care Home we were going to build.


Over the years Caroline has always been known to give a forthright opinion, whether warranted or not, and always the “go to” person when help was needed. She has watched our family grow up, and reminisces seeing our daughter (who is now at University) in her pram at the reception desk.


As she steps down from her position in the Care team of the home, I could say she would be badly missed but not forgotten after 27 years keeping us in line. However it is not in Caroline’s DNA not to do anything, she couldn’t fully retire. Caroline is taking over the laundry in the home for a few hours each week.


What would we do without Caroline to take charge of the Christmas Decorations?


That said, what we really want to do is let her know that we have appreciated it all.


David & Marjorie.

Wardside House, Muthill, Crieff, Perthshire PH5 2AS.Tele. No: 01764 681 275www.wardsidehouse.com

A place where everyone is cared about.